Medic Update and YMYL sites

The latest update is called “Medic Update”. Google rolled out this update at the beginning of the month of August.
Many sites especially sites that come into the YMYL pages got affected severely. YMYL as Google calls it, are sites that focus on health, finance, business, news, and money. YMYL stands for “ Your Money or Your Life”.
Source: search engine nation
Google rolls out many algorithm updates several times a year and the new update is said to be the biggest.
Many sites have lost ranks due to the update and many belong to the health industry.
The new update is said to reward those sites which were not rewarded before. The sites affected had low-quality contents. Low quality doesn't actually mean about the content. But it is considered as a relative score to the E-A-T measure from Google.
Expertise – An expert author who is qualified to write on the niche
Authority – Author with a well-recognized authority on the subject and authority of the website.
Trustworthiness – Accurate and factual content and trustworthiness of the website.
Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness are the metrics that Google determines the quality for a YMYL page. Therefore, the sites with a low score for the above metrics suffered.
Rank high on SERP, then establish yourself as an expert in your field. Fortunately, one of the best ways to do that is by publishing content. Users who go through your blog should say, “Wow! This is an expert author!”.
The best thing to position yourself as an expert is to brag a little about yourself on the website. It can be on the homepage, or in the bio section. The idea is that people should consider you as an expert on the subject. This increases the credibility of your blog or website.
You can be an expert but not an authority! Can't believe?
For example, someone might know everything about blogging. But maybe that person has no blog, has never spoken at a conference, and is never hired for his expertise. That’s somebody who’s an expert but not an authority.
In simple words, experts have the brains and authorities have the influence.
So, once you position yourself as an expert, you need to work to position yourself as an authority. Adding your social profiles, client testimonials, links to contents published in high ranking websites like the Forbes, for an example, can help in the start.
Being an expert or authority in your field may not count if you put factual errors in your content. Factual errors, grammatical mistakes, and even spelling mistakes can turn off your readers. Therefore, make sure that your content is readable and doesn't contain any errors.

Medic Update and YMYL sites

The latest update is called “ Medic Update ”. Google rolled out this update at the beginning of the month of August. Many sites especial...