How BJP is destroying India?

How BJP is destroying India?

BJP came into power promising better jobs, development and importantly Uniting India. It’s been 4 years after BJP came into power and nothing has changed. An atmosphere of communal polarization, hate crimes, insecurity, and violence is getting denser in the country. Political leaders seem to be promoting or patronizing it.

BJP destroying India
Credit: PTI


“The real objects of demonetization were formalization (of the economy), attack on black money, less-cash economybigger tax basedigitizationa blow to terrorism,” - Arun Jaitley, on August 2017
  • As per the data released by the RBI in its annual report on August 2017, of the Rs 15.44 lakh crore of notes taken out of circulation with demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1000, Rs 15.28 lakh crore returned to the system by way of deposits by the public which is whopping 99% of banned notes that returned!

  • Black Money: The funny thing is that there were no estimates of how much black money was held in the form of cash. Raids carried out by the Income Tax Department suggested that people tended to hold about 5% of their black money in the form of cash. Therefore, the justification for black money reduction is futile.

  • Bigger tax base: BJP claimed that there was a 25% increase in tax returns in the April-August 2017 period, compared to the same period last year. That is correct, but the surge is not unusual given what demonetization was meant to achieve. For previous years, taking the entire financial year, tax returns have grown at an equal or even higher pace, rising from 31% in 2012-13 to 38% in 2013-14. The growth fell to 15% in 2014-15, before rising to% in 2015-16, and settling at 22% in 2016-17.

  • Counterfeit notes and Blow to terrorism: BJP claimed that demonetization could fight counterfeit notes which in turn reduces terrorism. But, it was BJP leaders who printed counterfeit notes of newly introduced 500 and 2000 notes.
BJP destroying India - counterfeit notes
  • Digital India & Cashless Economy: According to the latest reports, the flow of digital transaction has come to the same level as before demonetization. Also, cash is the main form of transaction in India. The govt failed to encourage digital transaction and the justification of demonetization failed.
Freedom of Religion

India under BJP rule is becoming less secular day by day. Hindu nationalist groups such as the RSSSangh Parivar, and VHP and their sympathizers perpetrated numerous incidents of intimidation, harassment, and violence against religious minority communities and Hindu Dalits.
While PM Modi spoke publicly about the importance of communal tolerance and religious freedom (especially in International stages), members of his party have ties with Hindu nationalists who propagate violence and hatred against the religious minorities!
In August 2017, the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) ranked India’s persecution severity at ‘Tier 2′ along with Iraq and Afghanistan. In the past six years, India has risen from No. 31 to No. 11 on Open Doors' World Watch List, ranking just behind Iran in persecution severity.

Gau Rakshak

Cow vigilantes used violence in the name of cow protection. In fact, 28 people were killed and 124 seriously injured, between 2014–17. Out of the 28 deaths, 24 were Muslims, which is a whopping 86% of the total fatalities.
Gau rakshaks and other RSS groups, forcefully captured cows from Muslim and Dalit farmers. Moreover, the captured cows were treated in very bad conditions and many cows died due to hunger and horrible conditions.

BJP destroying India - cows died
Credit: ANI


The BJP had vowed to adopt a zero-tolerance policy on terrorism in its election manifesto released on 7 April 2014. But in reality, under BJP rule has witnessed 42% more terrorism-related deaths in J&K among civilians & security personnel. The number of civilian deaths in J&K has also increased by 37%.

Credit: NDTV

Foreign Policy

India’s ‘Neighbourhood First’ policy is turning into ‘Neighbourhood Lost’ policy. Modi has invested time and efforts to have a good diplomatic relationship with the especially, USA, but failed to retain ties with neighbors. Modi visited 53 countries as of March 2018. Despite these, Pakistan and China are stealing India’s upper hand in the Southeast region!
  • China: Mistrust, border clashes and Doklam military standoff, this is Indo-China relationship. BJP openly boycott Chinese products, but secretly brought campaign materials from China.
  • Nepal: India’s relationship with Nepal has worsened. China is competing with India in every aspect including foreign policy. Nepal’s Pm K.P Oli is pro-china and pledged to increase ties with China and reduce dependence on India. If India doesn’t act quickly, China will win the race.
  • Russia: An old friend of India, Russia seems to have been drifting away and tilting towards Pakistan. Modi’s priority for the U.S is also to be blamed.
  • Pakistan: From inviting Nawaz Sharif to PM Modi's oath-taking ceremony to Modi paying a surprise visit to Pakistan on Nawaz Sharif's birthday, from the Pathankot attack to Uri Attack, from Pakistan backed terrorism in Kashmir valley to the LoC surgical strikes, the list goes on. The Indo-Pak has been a Roller Coaster Ride under Modi.
Modi and nawaz - BJP destroying India
Credit: ANI

Freedom of Speech

In the 2017 World Press Freedom Index, India sank three places to position 136 (Difficult Situation category).

About 54 reported attacks on journalists, at least three cases of television news channels being banned, 45 internet shutdowns and 45 sedition cases against individuals and groups happened between January 2016 and April 2017.
Journalists faced increasing pressure to self-censor due to the threat of legal action, smear campaigns and threats on social media, and even threats of physical attacks. In September, Hindu Yuva Sena member Naveen Kumar shot dead publisher and editor Gauri Lankesh, a vocal critic of militant Hindu nationalism, outside her home in Bengaluru city.

Some prominent media companies have swung towards an aggressively hyper-nationalist stance and a provocative style of broadcasting in recent years.
For instance, Zee News had faced criticism for both its slant and standards, including for allegedly falsely captioning footage from the JNU protests that led to the arrests of student leaders, recently refused to cover an India-Pakistan cricket match. The boycott was announced by the media house's owner, Subhash Chandra, who in 2016 won a seat in Rajya Sabha with BJP support.

Communal polarisation

BJP plays communal cards to lure votes. The Hindu-Muslim divide is what droves BJP into power. The communal division between Hindus and other minorities are rising at an alarming rate and it seems BJP is most benefited by it. By creating fear that Hindus (80% of the total religious population) are attacked by minorities (forced conversions, violence, killings), BJP was able to create a communal tension to increase their vote banks. But this lead to the rise more violent Hindutva groups that wreak havoc to the peace existed devoid of religious difference.

In the name of beef ban, love jihad, and cow protection, numerous innocents people were lynched or attacked. False news and propaganda spread like wildfire and causes a lot of damage. The minorities live in fear of constant attack, abusive treatment, and hatred. The very fabrics of secularism, a right provided by the constitution, is threatened. Hadiya, Mohammed Afrazul etc are the examples of how damaged the spirit of secularism in India has become.
By treating Hindus as communal, the BJP and its Parivar are damaging themselves and giving a bad name to Hindus who, along with Muslims and other groups, crave only for a peaceful and prosperous existence, if allowed.

Lies, Lies and more Lies

BJP is an expert when it comes to spreading lies. The IT cell of BJP is so spread across the internet - from social media sites including Quora to fake news websites like the postcard.

Modi Has Merely renamed 19 Out Of 23 Congress Schemes and propagated these policies were the creation of BJP!

Policies renamed by modi government

BJP always has used Modi’s Gujarat Model for campaigning for election and promised that he will Make India like Gujarat! But the Gujarat Model was just a sham. Modi even has crossed the line to accuse previous PM an agent of Pakistan.

modi promised vs delivered

From the soaring prices of pulses to his silence on the promise to increase the Income Tax base to Rs 5 lakh and doubling farmers income, Modi and BJP Government has become the bane for the middle and lower income groups in India.


India under BJP rule is going through a tough phase. Foreign policy with neighbours have weakened, the peace and harmony in the country are lost, no job creations, unemployment on the rise, farmer suicides and radical political groups on the rise, this is India under BJP rule. BJP is not only destroying what India truly stands, but also is destroying its own party!

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