Top 10 Reasons Why Canada Is the Ultimate Destination for Migrants


Among the OECD nations, Canada has one of the highest immigration rates. Canada is top among human quality indexes, standard of living and respects right to freedom and privacy of individuals. The economy of the country is booming and job market is very attractive. Here is the list of top 10 reasons to choose Canada as ultimate destination for migrants.

10. A Multicultural Society

Multiculturalism in Canada

Canada values the contribution of immigrants and embraces all cultures and religions and encourages immigrants to keep and uplift their unique heritage. Multiculturalism in Canada is the sense of belonging to Canada without leaving behind ones ancestral culture and heritage. This highlights the progressive attitudes of Canada, and that’s why Canada is ranked top among the world’s best countries in terms of its integration of immigrants.

9. Strong and stable economy

Canada Economy

The Canadian economy is booming! As a modern, growing, industrial nation, Canada offers a fair deal of opportunity for skilled workers to pursue their dream careers. GDP of Canada was 1.7 trillion USD in 2017 and is one of highest among developed countries.  With the highest standard of living, the country has much to offer.

8. Natural environment

Canada wildlife

Canada is a geographically diverse country and proudly boasts some of the most astonishing geology on the planet.  From the rugged Rocky Mountains to the streamline Atlantic coastline, dense prairie land and a multitude of forests and woodlands, lakes, rivers and streams in between, you have it all! Canada is truly a heaven for nature lovers and enthusiasts.  Canada has high scores in environmental cleanliness compared to other industrialized countries. 

7. Superior Education

Canada Education

Access to quality education is a major priority in Canada.  Public school education is free for students across the country, up to secondary education.  The average student scored 530 in reading literacy, math and science in the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment, higher than the OECD average of 495; making Canada one of the top OECD countries in education skills. Also, University education is comparatively affordable and makes it most popular destination for students.

6. Low Tax and inflation rates

Canada Taxation

The country has a policy of lowering taxes and a 1.6% inflation rate makes Canada one of the strongest economy in the world. This enables people to save money and attain their financial goals well ahead of their retirement.

5. Health Care

Canada Healthcare

Citizens and permanent residents equally enjoy access to publicly funded health care that guarantees coverage of medical services regardless of income level. The Canadian Government ensures the quality of medical services through federal standards. About 70% of health expenditure is accounted by the Public healthcare facilities and this shows how efficient and cost effective is Canadian Medicare system.

4. Social Programs

Canada Welfare system

Canada cares for its residents.  In addition to access to free healthcare and public education, Canada offers many social programs including unemployment insurances, workplace injury, and disability compensations. Welfare state programs include Social Assistance, the Canada Child Tax Benefit, Old Age Security and the Guaranteed Income Supplement, the Canada and Quebec Pension Plan, Workers’ Compensation, public education to name a few social welfare programmes.

3. A Safe Place to Live

Safe place Canada

Freedom is the foundation of Canadian life. Community policing and fair and transparent judicial system makes the country a safe and secure place to live and raise a family. Crime rates are very low and continue to decline. Canada as a nation respects freedoms and rights, welcomes immigrants, tolerates diversity of races and cultures, and offers a high standard of living.

2. Standard of Living

Standard of living Canada

The standard of living in Canada is rather high compared to many developed nations. Canada is the third best country in the world for women to live in, ranking just below Iceland and Sweden. And compared to countries like the USA, Canada has a guaranteed paid maternity leave for new mothers.

1. Growing Job Market

Canada Job market

Canada ranks high on the OECD labour market and the unemployment rate is pretty low compared to world average. Canada continues to be attractive to skilled and professional migrants. A million jobs are expected to go unfilled in Canada up to 2025 especially in the fields of IT and technology.  These expected labour shortages in the job market guarantees more opportunities for skilled newcomers.

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