3 Things you need to know about WordPress Gutenberg

Gutenberg – a new publishing innovation from WordPress is all set to revolutionize the art of publishing! Gutenberg is the new editor for WordPress. The project is named after Johannes Gutenberg, who invented a movable type printing press.

Gutenberg is introduced as a solution to the drawbacks of current editor. The current editor requires the use of shortcodes and HTML which scares beginners. Gutenberg’s ultimate goal is to make WordPress an easier platform for all.

What are Stop Words and its imapct on SEO

Stop words are the most common words in a language. These extremely common words can be excluded from a sentence without changing the meaning of that sentence. Stop words are cleared out before or after processing of natural language data or text in normal computing routine.

Medic Update and YMYL sites

The latest update is called “ Medic Update ”. Google rolled out this update at the beginning of the month of August. Many sites especial...